miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Some information about my culture

Hello everybody!

Today I will talk you about the Jewish culture, in order to clarify some concepts. This topic I chose it because I ‘am Jewish, so I can show society some aspects of my culture that maybe very few people know about.

In first place, we have to differentiate between Jewish culture and Judaism. Being a Jew means that your part of the Jewish nation, which is a group of people that have sense of belonging towards a land, which in our case is Israel. As a nation, we have a culture, which includes traditions; a language; a religion; etc. The religion of the Jewish culture is Judaism, and in the same religion we can found different schools of thoughts, that go from the more orthodox to the most liberal people. But is important to consider that being Jewish does not implicate that you’re a believer of Judaism, but most people tend to confuse in this aspect because most of Jewish traditions have a religious origin.

In conclusion, is not necessary to believe in God for being a Jew, because it is a concept related to a nation, which has a culture that includes a religion, but religion is just a part of the culture, not the entirety of it. Indeed, I consider myself as a Jew but I’ am agnostic. 

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