miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

My oral presentation: Albert Bandura

Hello everybody!

 Today I will talk about the topic that I have chosen for an oral presentation that will have place the next week in English class. I will present about Albert Bandura, a behaviorist psychologist that developed the “Theory of Social Learning”. I have chosen this author, because he is the first psychologist that developed a scientific theory that considers what he called “personal factors” (which involves human thoughts, personality, etc.), proposing that behavior was not a simple an immediate response towards the environment.

I will organize the presentation in three main parts. The first one will include personal facts about the author and information about the context in which he lived, for then comprehend better his theory, that was framed in a determined socio-cultural context. Then, I will talk about the critics that he find in the previous theories (psychodynamic and classic behaviorism theories), which were his incentive to develop a new one. Finally, I will explain the main determinants of his theory, which suggest that personal factors, behavior and environment are in a constant interrelationship, and that this relation explains correctly human actions, on basis that learning processes are a consequence of the interaction with other people.

I will put my best effort to realize a great presentation!   

6 comentarios:

  1. I think that Bandura was a really interesting person so I would like to see you presentation

  2. I read about him for the psychology class, I found him so interesting! I'll be waiting for you to present!

  3. I have to study Bandura in my psychology class. It was really interesting because he consider the social factors.

  4. Bandura's ideas are a topic very interesting to study, i'm not very close to his school of thougth but it's interesting anyway

  5. It will be interesting to heard about him! I'm not very into him and we have to study some of his papers in psychology, so I think it's great

  6. He looks like an interesting person!
