miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

A special picture

This picture was taken by one of my classmates in the study trip that we had with my school in May of the year 2012. It shows my best’s school friends and me, after a costume party that took place in the last night of the trip.

I like a lot this picture because it is special to me in different ways. First, every time I see it I remember the study trip, which was a great experience, mainly because all the classmates got close one to another and the whole class year joined together. Also, because I appear with my three best friends, which are the same senses I was four years old, and with these costumes –apart of wining the costume competition of the party- we lived an important life process together: the last night of the study trip, that condense the essence of trip, which is having fun and sharing with you friends.

In conclusion, this picture remembers to me people who play a very special role in my life: my best friend! 

1 comentario:

  1. It`s a nice picture!!, always it`s good to remember our friends because they are so important in our life. We share so many things, problems and good times with us.
    I think that it`s a fantastic picture, so funny!
